Monday, February 26, 2007


I am welcoming you all to some money making opportunities online where there is no investment besides for time needed. All of these programs are available world wide.Let me begin by giving you a little information on what we are and what we are not.

1-We are not a get rich quick scheme. I am not going to try to tell you that this program will make you a millionaire, since chances are it will not
2-We will never post if we have not been paid, although the other sites that we link to, we cannot make that claim to their advertisements but in this blog we will never post unless we have been paid.
3- We will guide you into how you can make a little extra income for the little thing you just cannot manage out of your real world money, ie: a new radio, gifts for loved ones, or just save it up like I do.
4- All of the sites we post are free to join and only ask for your time to earn some additional income

At the bottom of this page is the links that we will be working with at this time. let me explain them a little.

First there is the E-Currencies. E-currencies are a way to transfer money from one party to another on the Internet, thus this will be where you will get paid, see below for more info.

Second are the PTR sites. PTR stands for Pay To Read, this is a program that will pay you to read your e-mails and click on the links provided in these e-mail. As you click these link do not be too much in a hurry as the real money in this type of programming is in the "Search Mail" or "SE" portion. A lot of these sites claim 30-60 emails per day but they do not tell you that most of these are reserved for ACTIVE SEARCHERS. As an active searcher the company is making a modest earning off of your every click so in return they allow you the opportunity to make a minimum payout (usually $2-5) in just a few days of doing their links.

To get you started making some money, we recommend that you open a Pay Pal account (see link below) and after you start your Pay Pal account sign up at MyLot. MyLot is a community setting like the Yahoo groups, MSN Groups, etc... But the great difference is that myLot will actually pay you to post questions, talk to people, share pictures, give your advice/opinions, make friends and all of the things that are done for free at MSN, Yahoo, and the such. So join the community and have some fun! MyLot is by far the most enjoyable way to make extra money on line.

If you happen to own a business and you would like to branch out to the World Wide Web then you will need a way to accept online funds. The most respected and most widely used form of e-currency is a Pay Pal Merchant account with a merchant account you will be able to receive payments for your goods or services from many sources into one account including debit cards, Master Card, Visa, Am ex. Take a look I am sure that it will impress!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you seem like an authentic site, and a good place for the "newbie" to get started.